Tuesday, 19 November 2013


 We have had many ideas for our film such as, internet dating gone wrong, mental asylum/museum and then the idea that we decided to go with ‘the abandoned shed with a hand, the reason why we decided to go with this idea was it is a very unique idea that we can adapt with ease if needed, this was not the idea we originally wanted to go with, our first idea was the internet dating gone wrong, the reason why we decided not to go with that idea was because the internet stalker idea sounded a bit cliché and we wanted to try something different e.g. the shed in the woods idea.

·         We have had many ideas for a location, one idea that we had was to film it in a wooded area.

·         Some of the negative sounds of that would be the lighting may not be on our side as it could be too dark and we would not see anything that we had filmed  

·         There could be some very bright patches of sunlight that come through the trees that may make some of our shots barely visible.

·         We had a look at different wooded areas around Bourne and Thurlby and we couldn’t find any old sheds that we could use but we couldn’t find anything that we could uses that fits the thriller genre.

·         We then had a look on Google maps to see if we could find any old farms with sheds and or barns in abandoned areas

·         We found one on south fen road which if located just off the back of cherry holt road (behind the big Tesco’s)

·         We still need to ask about using the barn but it may cause some difficulties as there is no one around the area and also  no houses so we wouldn’t know who to ask about the use of this location  

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