Sunday, 5 January 2014

analysis of the Questionnaires

The people that I asked to fill in  the questionnaire were ages between 10-19 and 40+, i feel this gave me a good age range as I was getting opinions from both younger and older people.

What do you expect from a thriller:
The majority of the people I asked said they expected plot twists in a thriller so the main plot wouldn't become to obvious

In what way would the opening of a thriller make you want to watch more:

generally people said that if the film has a good plot and intense music it would make them want to watch more

What things should we NOT include in our opening:
the thing that came up the most for this question was chase scenes as people thought that they were to cheesy most of the time

Do you think 2 minutes is enough to make you watch more of the film:
this question came back as a no, they said that 5 minutes would be a more convincing time

What music would you link to a thriller film:
the answer to this came back as dramatic and tense the reason for this was it was more convincing as a thriller is the music was of this genre.

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